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Planned Parenthood’s Entanglement with Eugenics Continues in 2024

Our federal government defends its support of abortions and Planned Parenthood with arguments that reflect back to PPFA's disturbing history with eugenics.

In a nation where the battle lines between protecting life and promoting abortion become increasingly stark, Planned Parenthood and their Democratic allies continue to reveal their true colors. They’re not merely advocates for choice; rather, they champion an aggressively pro-abortion agenda that dismisses any alternative that supports life.

These so-called defenders of women’s rights vote in droves to fund abortion clinics and funnel millions to Planned Parenthood. Yet, they systematically starve pregnancy health centers of resources—centers that offer women real alternatives and support beyond abortion. This one-sided approach doesn’t empower women; it corrals them into making a choice that isn’t a choice at all, dictated by financial duress rather than genuine freedom.

Take, for instance, the legislation being pushed by Democrats in various states aimed at shutting down charities that support pregnant women. This isn’t about safeguarding women’s health; it’s about cementing a cultural and political stance that views abortion not as a last-resort option but as a preferred solution to pregnancy.

Then there’s the chilling acknowledgment from our federal government, responding to the harmful impact of chemical abortion drugs. The FDA brought forth Jason Lindo as an expert on the economics of what they term “reproductive health care.” Lindo claims that according to “rigorous quantitative research,” children born because their mothers lacked access to abortion are more likely to underperform academically, earn less as adults, have poorer health, and are more likely to engage in criminal activities.

Furthermore, when Alliance Defending Freedom challenged the FDA‘s reckless approval, the federal government’s defense disturbingly highlighted the perceived “economic benefits” of reducing births among the poor and minorities. According to them, fewer births translate to lower taxes and less strain on social safety nets—a grotesque calculus that values human life in economic terms and reeks of the eugenic ideology Planned Parenthood has long sought to distance itself from.

Justice Clarence Thomas poignantly noted, “Abortion has proved to be a disturbingly effective tool for implementing the discriminatory preferences that undergird eugenics.” This is not the hallmark of a civilized, compassionate society. It’s a betrayal of the very principles of human dignity and equality we claim to uphold.

It’s time for Americans, especially conservatives, to step up in this post-Roe era. We must advocate for laws and policies that affirm life is not merely a right but a sacred gift. We must reject any policy, ideology, or political agenda that diminishes the value of life based on socioeconomic criteria or racial background. Every woman deserves comprehensive support and authentic healthcare, not the cold, clinical offering of an abortion pill. Every child, born or unborn, deserves a chance to contribute to our world, not be deemed unworthy of life before their first breath.

Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay is a Director of The American Center for Education and Knowledge, a 501-c3 non-profit committed to protecting the ideals of individual rights, freedom of will and personal responsibility while defending American exceptionalism. Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012, 2016 and 2020.