WI Lawmakers Allow Unmanned Ballot Drop Boxes Again
The liberal-majority Wisconsin Supreme Court just flipped its own script, reinstating the use of unstaffed drop boxes for the 2024 election. In a narrow 4-3 decision, the court has decided to reverse their wise 2022 ruling which banned these unmanned drop boxes, bending under the pressure of Democrats who claimed the court had misinterpreted the law the first time around.
Justice Jill Karofsky’s rhetoric during the May arguments was particularly telling. She questioned, “What if we just got it wrong? What if we made a mistake?” suggesting a rather casual approach to jurisprudence that seems more about political convenience than legal consistency. This flip-flop raises serious questions about the stability of our legal interpretations and the influence of shifting court compositions on the upcoming election.
This ruling opens the door wide for potential election mishandlings, where the convenience of drop boxes might well come at the cost of election integrity. Remember, in 2020, the use of these drop boxes was rampant, and while they’re touted as a secure means for voters to return their ballots, the sudden shift back without substantial legal or factual cause is deeply concerning. Over 1,600 absentee ballots in 2022 didn’t count because they arrived late without these drop boxes, compared to only 689 in 2020. But isn’t election integrity worth more than mere convenience?
It’s clear this decision has more to do with catering to one political ideology over another, rather than upholding a consistent and secure electoral process. If our judicial systems continue to be swayed by partisan interests, rather than the firm bedrock of established law, then what are they but pawns in the larger political game? This isn’t just about drop boxes; it’s a profound shift towards the liberal agenda under the guise of correcting a so-called “mistake.”
How long before every judicial decision is subject to change based on who holds the majority? This isn’t justice—it’s a judicial coup dressed in legal reasoning.