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Watch Our Podcast Live at 7pm EST Today

Jay Shepard is sitting in for Robert and is going live with Erica and Special Guests NH RNC Committeeman William O’Brien and Dr. Robin Armstrong.

Jay Shepard is sitting in for Robert and is going live with Erica for a must-see event with Special Guest William O’Brien, Republican National Committeeman for New Hampshire, to discuss the results of the Iowa Caucuses and how they will affect next week’s NH primary. 

Also joining Jay and Erica will be Dr. Robin Armstrong to discuss the upcoming RNC Faith Summit and maybe provide insights regarding the current national COVID conversation.

Don’t miss this LIVE event. 

The links are below and will be live around 7 pm EST today. 

Rumble – 

Facebook Event – 

Youtube Event – 

American Coalition

American Coalition

The American Coalition operates as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, as amended, created by Americans who have tired of the ever-growing assault on the foundation of our entire way of life.