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Rapper Macklemore Spreads Anti-Israel, America Rhetoric at Pro-Hamas Concert

Rapper Macklemore continued his Antisemitic tirade against Israel at a concert benefitting groups linked to Hamas.

In a recent display that is as appalling as it is unsurprising, rapper Macklemore openly declared “F*ck America” during a pro-Palestinian music festival in Seattle. This isn’t just a casual remark; it’s a grievous insult thrown from the stage of the “Palestine Will Live Forever” event—strategically held in the heart of Seattle’s largest Jewish community on the Jewish Sabbath. Macklemore’s performance was riddled with inflammatory rhetoric and support for “resistance” against Israel, a thinly veiled endorsement of Hamas—a recognized terrorist organization by the U.S. and its allies.

The festival, besides being a platform for Macklemore’s vitriol, served another disturbing purpose: fundraising for groups linked to Hamas, including the UNRWA, which itself has been embroiled in controversy for employee involvement in terrorist activities like October 7th. The choice of beneficiaries here is no accident. It aligns perfectly with the underlying agenda of the event—to legitimize and fundraise under the guise of entertainment and resistance, glossing over the violent realities associated with these groups.

Macklemore’s rhetoric plunged deeper into the unacceptable as he accused Israelis of “murdering little kids” and persisted with antisemitic tropes about Jews and money. These remarks are not only historically ignorant but dangerously inciteful, especially considering his influence among young fans. His call to Vice President Kamala Harris to stop supporting Israel, wrapped in threats about political consequences, further exposes his reckless dabbling in complex international politics which he simplistically reduces to villainous caricatures.

It’s imperative that the public, especially political and community leaders, respond not just with criticism but with a reaffirmation of our Democratic values, support of Israel, and the rejection of terrorism in all its forms. The Jewish community’s increased security measures in response to this event speaks volumes about the tangible fears stoked by such rhetoric. We must stand firm against any attempts to undermine our societal cohesion with such divisive and destructive performances.

Robert Chernin

Robert Chernin

Robert B. Chernin has brought his years of political consulting and commentary back to radio. As a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser and political confidant, Robert has a unique perspective with insights not heard anyway else. Robert has consulted on federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Robert co-founded and served as president of the Electoral Science Institute, a non-profit organization that utilizes behavioral science to increase voter participation and awareness. Robert can be heard on multiple radio stations and viewed on the “Of the People” podcast where you get your podcasts.