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Over 30 Million Christians May Not Vote in the 2024 Election, Here’s Why They Should

Christians who cherish the Judeo-Christian values that helped build this great nation should not sit out on this election, but vote to protect these values.

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, an alarming number of our fellow Christians—upwards of 32 million who regularly attend church—are expected to abstain from voting. This is not just a statistic; it’s a potential crisis of conscience for those who hold Judeo-Christian values dear. The disinterest reported by Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center is concerning, but it’s the reasons behind this apathy that should spur us into action.

Many of these potential voters feel disenchanted, believing neither leading candidate—Vice President Kamala Harris nor former President Donald Trump—reflects their values. However, as Christians, we must recognize the profound impact our participation in politics has not only on our lives but also on the direction of our nation. It’s crucial to remember that Donald Trump, while not perfect, has consistently supported the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was built, contrasting sharply with Kamala Harris, whose policies challenge these foundational beliefs.

It’s imperative for Christians to engage in this election. The stakes are incredibly high, and the outcome will significantly affect our ability to live out our faith freely. The Director of Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center George Barna’s call to pastors and church leaders to encourage their congregations to vote is a critical step in reminding Christians of their civic and spiritual duties. By voting, we are not merely participating in a political process; we are shaping the moral landscape of our country.

Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries articulates this well, urging believers to weigh constitutional principles—life, liberty, and property—when voting. These are not abstract concepts but tangible aspects of our daily lives that are directly influenced by the individuals we choose to lead us. The decision we make at the ballot box should support life, cherish liberty, and respect property rights, aligning with our biblical understanding of stewardship and justice.

As we move closer to Election Day, let us not be swayed by disillusionment or fatigue. The narrative that our actions do not matter in the grand political scheme is a deceitful one. Every vote cast by a person of faith is a declaration of our values and a commitment to uphold the sanctity of life, the dignity of individual freedom, and the rights bestowed upon us by our Creator. Let this election be a testament to our faith and our unwavering commitment to the principles that have guided this great nation since its founding.

Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay is a Director of The American Center for Education and Knowledge, a 501-c3 non-profit committed to protecting the ideals of individual rights, freedom of will and personal responsibility while defending American exceptionalism. Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012, 2016 and 2020.