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Is Boston Becoming the New San Francisco?

Will Boston be the new San Francisco? Let's hope that progressive leaders don't turn the East Coast into shambles too.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is eager to emulate the failing policies of liberal cities like San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York, where property crimes have surged alarmingly. It’s clear she’s taken a page from a playbook that’s more about virtue signaling than safeguarding the citizens of Boston.

Under Wu’s administration, an array of offenses, including shoplifting, disorderly conduct, breaking and entering, property destruction, larceny under $250, and trespassing, would be virtually ignored by law enforcement. These are not merely ‘low-level’ crimes as they are often portrayed; they are the seeds of chaos that undermine public safety and erode community trust.

The policy proposal follows in the dubious footsteps of former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, who not only promoted this ‘do-not-prosecute’ list but also found her way into the Biden administration before resigning under an ethical cloud. Rollins’ legacy, which Wu embraces wholeheartedly, aims to decriminalize what they consider minor offenses but in reality, invites lawlessness into the heart of Boston.

Moreover, Wu’s radical agenda includes stripping the Boston Police Department of essential resources. Her plans to ‘demilitarize’ law enforcement—banning tear gas, rubber bullets, and police dogs—coupled with her intent to publicize police use-of-force records, could potentially endanger the lives of police officers and further cripple their ability to maintain order.

Woke Policies on Crime Destroy Cities

Wu’s policy proposals do not just represent a soft approach to crime; they signal a profound misunderstanding of the nature of public safety. Her approach—de-funding the police, making the job of law enforcement more dangerous, and turning a blind eye to criminal activities—will inevitably lead to a less safe Boston. This reckless roadmap will likely transform Boston into another exhibit of urban decay, mirroring the crime spikes and quality-of-life deterioration seen in other cities that have experimented with similar policies.

Woke leadership is a regressive march toward chaos. Bostonians need to understand that these policies do not lead to a more equitable or safer city. Instead, they set the stage for a breakdown in the social order, where the rights of the law-abiding are sacrificed at the altar of ideological extremism.

Robert Chernin

Robert Chernin

Robert B. Chernin has brought his years of political consulting and commentary back to radio. As a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser and political confidant, Robert has a unique perspective with insights not heard anyway else. Robert has consulted on federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Robert co-founded and served as president of the Electoral Science Institute, a non-profit organization that utilizes behavioral science to increase voter participation and awareness. Robert can be heard on multiple radio stations and viewed on the “Of the People” podcast where you get your podcasts.