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Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Reveals Questionable Loans and Gifts

Rob Walker's testimony raises concerns over the nature of loans and gifts received by Hunter Biden, adding to the ongoing controversy.

In a recent revelation, former business partner Rob Walker offered a significant statement during an FBI interview, corroborating allegations that Hunter Biden often received loans that were essentially gifts, adding more fuel to the ongoing controversies surrounding the President’s son.

The interview report dated November 23, 2021, recently made public, stated that Hunter Biden borrowed $90,000 from Walker and never repaid it. Moreover, it detailed another incident in 2017 when one of their joint business ventures received a substantial $3 million payment from the Chinese energy firm CEFC, essentially described as a “thank you” gift.

This report comes in light of previous allegations that Hunter Biden has received loans that he never repaid, as well as gifts from foreign interests. The list includes a 3-carat diamond, $142,300 to buy a luxury Porsche, a $3 million Chinese payment, and more than $2 million in payments later converted to loans. Even salary payments from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine were structured to look like loans, aimed at evading tax payments.

The House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, noted a clear pattern in the evidence collected, indicating that a loan to Hunter Biden was often synonymous with a gift. These so-called “forgivable loans” provided a way for individuals to receive money without reporting it on their taxes, avoiding tax obligations. Comer criticized the Biden family for what he termed “organized criminal activity” aimed at avoiding tax payments.

Rob Walker’s interview reinforced an idea he had previously conveyed during an interview with IRS and FBI agents. He emphasized that Hunter Biden did not provide much in exchange for loans and payments from his business partners. Walker explained that Hunter Biden was paid a “finder’s fee” for connecting CEFC with potential projects globally, although his effectiveness in doing so was questionable.

Devon Archer, another former business partner of Hunter Biden, echoed this pattern. He told the House Oversight Committee that a significant part of the value Hunter brought to the Burisma board was his last name, highlighting the power of the Biden family’s brand.

These revelations contribute to the ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s financial dealings and his influence as the son of a prominent political figure.

American Coalition

American Coalition

The American Coalition operates as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, as amended, created by Americans who have tired of the ever-growing assault on the foundation of our entire way of life.