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Fairfax County Decides Trans Day of Visibility Will Be on Easter

Fairfax County voted unanimously to observe Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter. A coincidence or disrespect toward the holiday?

In the same Virginia county notorious for attempting to limit the size of the American flag, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has decided, unanimously no less, to mark Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday, March 31st. The choice to hold it on Christianity’s most sacred day has sparked outrage among many who see it as a direct affront to Christian believers.

Board Chairman Jeff McKay, a Democrat, justified the move by proclaiming it the board’s “moral responsibility to stand up for all people,” a statement that rings hollow to those who see this decision as a deliberate provocation. Supervisor Jimmy Bierman, also a Democrat, praised the decision as a celebration of diversity in Fairfax County, emphasizing inclusivity and empowerment for all community members. However, their words do little to ease the concerns of those who feel this is yet another example of progressive agendas overshadowing traditional values.

The decision to overlap these two significant observances sends the message that Fairfax County’s leadership is more concerned with virtue signaling and catering to the latest social trends than respecting the deeply held religious beliefs of a significant portion of their community. By choosing Easter Sunday to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility, they’re steamrolling with a progressive agenda that overlooks the importance of Easter to Christians. 

It’s a stark illustration of how far some will go to appease a vocal minority while disregarding the traditions and values that many Americans hold dear. This isn’t about inclusivity; it’s about pushing a particular political narrative at the expense of community harmony and respect for all faiths. 

Furthermore, this controversy is just one aspect of Fairfax County’s broader push towards progressive policies, exemplified by a 2021 youth survey that raised eyebrows for its invasive questions regarding sexual activity and identity of students as young as eighth grade. Questions ranged from sexual experiences to gender identity, sparking debate over the appropriateness and motivations behind such queries. It’s within this context of progressive overreach that the decision by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors emerges, highlighting the intensifying cultural battles that mark the current American landscape.

The decision by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to overlap Transgender Day of Visibility with Easter is a prime example of the ongoing cultural divide in America. As Fairfax County moves forward with its progressive agenda, it’s clear that the balancing act between advancing social causes and respecting cultural and religious traditions remains a contentious and polarizing issue.

Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay is a Director of The American Center for Education and Knowledge, a 501-c3 non-profit committed to protecting the ideals of individual rights, freedom of will and personal responsibility while defending American exceptionalism. Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012, 2016 and 2020.