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Faced with Being Held in Contempt, Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify

After a tense standoff, Hunter Biden claims to be willing to sit for a House deposition amid allegations of tax crimes and foreign influence-peddling.

The ongoing saga surrounding Hunter Biden has reached a new chapter as he agrees to a deposition before House lawmakers, following a tense standoff involving contempt resolutions advanced by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees. This development is a pivotal moment in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s dealings and the broader implications for the Biden family.

Hunter Biden’s decision to appear for a closed-door interview comes after his attorney, Abbe Lowell, submitted an eight-page letter to Capitol Hill. Lowell’s argument that the subpoena issued in November was invalid due to its focus on impeachment is a classic example of legal maneuvering to delay and obfuscate the investigation process. House Republicans formally authorized an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden in mid-December.

Hunter Biden’s appearance at Capitol Hill for a Netflix documentary, amidst debates on holding him in contempt, was a surprising and perhaps strategic move. This public display contrasts starkly with his attorney’s reluctance to have him sit for a closed-door deposition. Lowell’s insistence on a public hearing rather than a private deposition suggests a preference for a more controlled and potentially less incisive setting.

The new charges filed against Hunter Biden by Special Counsel David Weiss are significant. These charges relate to tax crimes, but notably, they do not address the more severe allegations of foreign influence-peddling involving his father in the White House. This selective prosecution raises questions about the full scope of Hunter Biden’s activities and their potential impact on national security and political integrity.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan have been resolute in their pursuit of the investigation, refusing to acquiesce to Lowell’s demands for special treatment for Hunter Biden. Their stance reflects a commitment to ensuring that the investigation is conducted thoroughly and without bias, regardless of the individual’s family connections.

The financial records released by the Oversight Committee paint a troubling picture of the Biden family’s financial dealings. The funneling of money directly to Joe Biden, the establishment of shell companies, and the accumulation of significant wealth from foreign oligarchs in China, Russia, and Kazakhstan are all deeply concerning. These revelations suggest a pattern of using political influence for personal gain, which is unacceptable and potentially illegal.

In conclusion, Hunter Biden’s potentially forthcoming deposition is a critical step in unraveling the complex web of financial and political dealings involving the Biden family. It is essential for the integrity of the political process and the rule of law that this investigation is conducted thoroughly and transparently. The American people deserve to know the truth about the activities of their leaders and their families, especially when it comes to matters of national security and political corruption.

American Coalition

American Coalition

The American Coalition operates as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, as amended, created by Americans who have tired of the ever-growing assault on the foundation of our entire way of life.