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Biden Family Tied to Well-Connected Chinese Businessman

Revelations surrounding Biden family connections to CEFC China Energy warrant a thorough investigation.

The House Ways and Means Committee’s recent release of an interview with Gal Luft, an Israeli-American businessman, provides significant insights into the Biden family’s ties to China and raises serious questions about their dealings with CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate with links to Chinese intelligence.

Luft, who consulted for CEFC China Energy, revealed that the company paid Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, a substantial monthly retainer of $165,000. He also disclosed substantial payments to Hunter Biden and his business associates, indicating a significant financial relationship between the Bidens and the Chinese conglomerate.

The most concerning aspect of Luft’s interview is the claim that CEFC China Energy’s chairman, Ye Jianming, had close connections with Joe and Hunter Biden. According to Luft, Ye frequently boasted about his links to the Bidens. The Bidens purportedly met with Ye at the Four Seasons hotel in Washington, D.C., in late 2016 when Joe Biden was still the vice president. Furthermore, Luft asserted that Ye paid millions of dollars to Hunter Biden with the intention of creating a “political asylum request” to shield him from a potential investigation by Chinese authorities.

Another noteworthy revelation from Luft’s interview is the claim that Hunter Biden believed Ye Jianming was close friends with Chinese President Xi Jinping. This assertion underscores the seriousness of the Bidens’ involvement with CEFC China Energy and their pursuit of business deals, despite the company’s potential connections to the Chinese Communist Party leadership.

The Bidens even negotiated a deal that would have given CEFC China Energy control of a natural gas terminal off the coast of Louisiana. James Biden played a key role in advocating for the deal, lobbying officials in the Louisiana governor’s office to expedite permits. However, the deal eventually fell through after Ye’s arrest in China in 2018.

These revelations raise critical concerns about the Biden family‘s business dealings and the potential impact of these connections on national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability, and the Biden administration must address these serious allegations. Finally, a thorough investigation is necessary to determine the extent of the Bidens’ involvement with CEFC China Energy, which had links to Chinese intelligence.

American Coalition

American Coalition

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