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Biden Admits China is Meddling in 2024 Election

Biden has confirmed evidence of China meddling in the upcoming election. The question now is will his administration do anything about it?

In a revelation that is as troubling as it is unsurprising, Biden, in a recent interview with Time Magazine, alluded to “evidence” of Chinese meddling in the upcoming U.S. election but in favor of Trump, not him. This assertion of China’s meddling aligns eerily with what Trump and his intelligence chiefs pointed out back in 2020—claims which the intelligence community hastily dismissed, insisting China had no horse in the race. Yet here we are in 2024, and the specter of foreign interference haunts our electoral process once more.

Biden, somewhat cryptically, hinted at Chinese interests in disrupting our democratic proceedings. “There, there, there, there is evidence that meddling is going on,” he stuttered, only to clam up about the specifics for supposed “intelligence” reasons. This isn’t just about espionage or digital mischief; it’s a geopolitical strategy by Beijing to sow discord and dilute American influence on the world stage.

Now, as Biden attempts to navigate these murky waters, his words do little to reassure a public weary of endless political manipulation. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has already flagged Beijing’s burgeoning influence operations aimed at undermining U.S. leadership and eroding the pillars of our democracy.

Indeed, platforms like Facebook are on high alert, removing numerous accounts suspected of originating from China that mimic pro-Trump sentiments—a tactic that is likely intended to amplify societal fissures rather than bolster any particular candidate.

It’s critical to recognize the broader strategy at play here. China‘s meddling in the presidential race isn’t just about favoring one candidate over another; it’s about weakening America from within, eroding trust in our institutions, and making a mockery of our democratic processes. As this drama unfolds, one thing becomes painfully clear: the real losers in this high-stakes game of international chess are the American people, left to question the integrity of their electoral system and the motives of their leaders who seem all too willing to play into the hands of foreign powers for transient political gains.

Robert Chernin

Robert Chernin

Robert B. Chernin has brought his years of political consulting and commentary back to radio. As a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser and political confidant, Robert has a unique perspective with insights not heard anyway else. Robert has consulted on federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Robert co-founded and served as president of the Electoral Science Institute, a non-profit organization that utilizes behavioral science to increase voter participation and awareness. Robert can be heard on multiple radio stations and viewed on the “Of the People” podcast where you get your podcasts.