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America Is Aiding and Abetting Human Slavery Today

“Jaco Booyens is a native of South Africa and an American citizen. Fighting sex trafficking is personal to Jaco. After witnessing the horrors of trafficking through his younger sister, who is now a survivor, Jaco turned abolitionist in 2001. He is a well-recognized speaker on human trafficking, Christian faith, and motivation.

20 years of experience in bringing awareness, influencing policy, and fighting this crime”

Robert Chernin and Ericka Redic of @GenerallyIrritable discuss the role America plays in the abhorrent and prolific slave trading taking place today. All with a hefty dose of irreverence.

All with a hefty dose of irreverence.

American Coalition

American Coalition

The American Coalition operates as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, as amended, created by Americans who have tired of the ever-growing assault on the foundation of our entire way of life.