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Woke Utah Professors Cancel Classes Over Brave Detransitioner’s Speech on Campus

University of Utah professors cancel classes over detransitioner Chloe Cole's speech, raising concerns about free speech on campus.

In a troubling turn of events at the University of Utah, some professors chose to cancel classes and promote a “healing circle” due to a speech by Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who was invited to campus to share her experiences. The decision has sparked controversy and raised concerns about free speech and academic freedom on campus.

Chloe Cole, a 19-year-old detransitioner, was slated to speak on campus at an event hosted by the Young Americans Foundation (YAF). Cole’s journey is unique — placed on puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, undergoing a double mastectomy at 15, and detransitioning at 16. Her story, while complex, sheds light on the challenges faced by those navigating the process of detransitioning.

The university staff’s decision to cancel classes and organize a “healing circle” ahead of Cole’s speech has drawn criticism. In an email to students, a professor referred to Cole as a “prominent anti-trans activist,” setting the stage for potential protests. The email expressed concern about students’ safety, indicating that significant protests were expected during the week.

Protestors, some affiliated with the Utah Students for a Democratic Society, disrupted the event with chants such as “Say it loud, say it clear, trans people are welcome here.” One left-wing activist even shouted, “Kill yourself.” The hostile atmosphere created an environment that contradicted the principles of free speech and open dialogue, key tenets of higher education.

The cancellation of classes and related actions raise questions about the university’s commitment to fostering diverse perspectives and promoting intellectual exploration. Academia should be a space where ideas, even controversial ones, are met with respectful discourse rather than suppression.

Chloe Cole’s detransitioning journey is a critical aspect of the conversation around gender transitions, especially for minors. By canceling classes and supporting a protest against her speech, the university missed an opportunity to engage in a thoughtful and nuanced discussion about the challenges faced by individuals like Cole.

Despite the controversy, Cole used the platform to share her painful experience of detransitioning. She emphasized the need to fight against practices that manipulate and sterilize children, calling for a more compassionate approach to supporting kids struggling with pain and trauma.

Unfortunately, this incident at the University of Utah is not isolated, as similar controversies have emerged on campuses nationwide. It underscores the importance of preserving the university as a space for the free exchange of ideas, even when those ideas challenge prevailing narratives.

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