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Hunter Biden’s $250k Chinese Loan Raises Questions

Hunter Biden's $250,000 loan and transfer of the debt to a Hollywood lawyer spark questions about potential conflicts.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, received a $250,000 loan from a Chinese businessman in July 2019, just three months after his father’s 2020 presidential campaign launch. Documents obtained by federal and Congressional investigators reveal that Hunter Biden later transferred this debt to Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer. Morris acquired Hunter Biden’s stake in Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a company co-founded by the two. BHR was primarily funded by Chinese state-owned entities, including the Bank of China.

The loan from Chinese businessman Xiangsheng “Jonathan” Li was considered a “loan” by Hunter Biden, and he used his father’s Delaware address for the transaction. When Joe Biden became President, Hunter Biden shifted the debt to Morris. Morris assumed the debt obligation on November 17, 2021. This transaction effectively relieved Hunter Biden of his primary responsibility for the debt.

Kevin Morris has been a consistent supporter of Hunter Biden, often providing loans, and he has also been a part of Hunter Biden’s legal team. This relationship is currently under investigation by Congress, particularly due to the ethical questions raised by a Democrat donor lawyer assuming a substantial China debt for Hunter Biden.

The larger context of the situation involves BHR, a company controlled and funded by Chinese state-owned entities, in which Hunter Biden served on the board of directors and held a 10% stake. A Senate report in 2020 revealed that Hunter Biden and his business partner, Devon Archer, engaged in numerous financial transactions with Chinese individuals connected to the Chinese government. Hunter Biden’s involvement with BHR and Chinese nationals with political ties has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

The loan to Hunter Biden came just three months after Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launch, and during the campaign, Joe Biden denied any knowledge of his son making money from China. Hunter Biden’s lawyer at the time, George Mesires, stated that Hunter played no role in the formation or licensure of the company or held equity in it while his father was Vice President.

However, records and emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop suggested otherwise, indicating that he played a role in forming the company and had discussions about partnerships with Chinese nationals. Furthermore, during Joe Biden’s visit to Beijing in December 2013, Hunter Biden introduced his father to Jonathan Li, a significant figure in BHR. Twelve days after this visit, BHR was registered in Beijing.

Hunter Biden’s China connections have been a topic of controversy, with questions about the transparency and ethical aspects of his dealings. Kevin Morris’s assumption of Hunter Biden’s Chinese debt adds another layer to this ongoing scrutiny.

The transfer of Hunter Biden’s 10% stake in BHR and the associated debt to Kevin Morris raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s financial ties and the potential influence of foreign entities on his activities. As investigations continue, there are still unanswered questions about these financial transactions and their implications for the Biden family.

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